smart city sustainability

Modern Parking Lots a Way to Prevent Heat Island Sprawl

When the planet grapples with the escalating impacts of climate change and global warming, innovative solutions are becoming increasingly vital. In the battle against urban heat islands, modern parking lots are emerging as unexpected allies. As city dwellers experience rising temperatures, transforming traditional asphalt expanses into eco-friendly parking spaces offers a promising path to cooler, more sustainable urban environments.

An inevitable consequence of increasing urbanization is the plethora of vehicles and concrete surfaces replacing green spaces. One of the main factors causing their disappearance is the creation of more parking spaces, often covered with heat-absorbing materials. These factors contribute substantially to the exacerbation of the urban heat island effect (UHI), a phenomenon that denotes the occurrence of temperatures in cities higher than in areas untransformed by mankind. Rising temperatures have become one of the world's most pressing problems in recent years. A promising solution to mitigate the UHI effect is to change the way we think about parking spaces.

The phenomenon of global warming, that is, a steady increase in the level of average global temperature, is not only influenced by melting glaciers, deforestation, or greenhouse gasses. The heat experienced in metropolitan areas is also increasingly attributed to the urban heat island effect. One aspect contributing to its occurrence is paved areas occupying a significant share of the horizontal surface in cities, which strongly affects the local microclimate. Heat-absorbing materials, such as asphalt and concrete, are largely used to cover parking lots. Dozens of parking spaces at shopping malls, business centers, or transportation hubs create vast areas that concentrate heat and exacerbate the UHI effect. These surfaces retain heat during the day and release it slowly at night, preventing the area from cooling effectively. It's therefore worth looking at the possibilities for combating heat island build-up offered by modern digital approaches to parking lot development.

Urban heat islands. What is the UHI phenomenon?

The term “urban heat island” refers to the isotherm distribution, which resembles an island in shape–areas with higher temperatures are located in the center of the island and surrounded by areas with lower temperatures¹. The phenomenon was first described in the early 19th century, and research over the years has distinguished aspects that affect the severity of its occurrence, including wind speed, cloud cover, and city size. Typically, the phenomenon is most noticeable at night, when the differences between temperatures in the city and those in non-urban areas are highest. Krawczyk, Fortuniak, and Wilk (2022)², in their article on the UHI phenomenon in Łódź, attribute the occurrence of the effect to both climatic conditions (external factors) and the city's built development and activities such as carrying out thermal modernization of buildings (internal factors).

The formation of the urban heat island phenomenon is explained by Paweł Radomski, a Geographic Information System Specialist at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW).   Urban heat island is a phenomenon that occurs in urban areas, where the air temperature is higher than in undeveloped areas. Cities are characterized by a lower albedo, which is the level of a given surface's ability to reflect the sun's rays. Thus, asphalt has a very low albedo, while snow has a high one. The low albedo and the lack of opportunity for the exchange of air masses due to dense and high housing make the ambient temperature rise significantly, the expert explains.  
Several factors contribute to the increase in ambient temperatures, among them the thermal mass of concrete and asphalt roads, the low efficiency of the cooling process of urban canyons formed by high-rise buildings, and the combined effect of heat released by vehicles on the streets and air conditioners³. The UHI effect, a consequence of increased absorption of electromagnetic energy and slowed cooling of urbanized areas compared to surrounding vegetation-rich areas, can lead to thermal discomfort, increased energy consumption, and environmental pollution during warmer seasons⁴. Impacts from concurrent urban heat islands and extreme heat include increased urban mortality and morbidity. Other challenges associated with high temperatures include increased failure frequency of urban infrastructure as a result of overheating, reduced air quality, and lower standards of living for urban residents.   With the gradual development of agglomerations, urban centers degrade and disperse, naturally forming several major urban areas within a single metropolitan area. As a result, UHI can occur in many places in a single city, and the size of the effect depends on the size of the area and its density. Over the past few years, the intensity of UHI in major cities has increased dramatically, leading to increased energy consumption and serious health problems for residents⁵.  
The growing number of studies published on the UHI effect underscores the scientific community's efforts to raise awareness of the negative effects of the phenomenon. According to a paper published in 2022⁶, in the Phoenix metropolitan area, the sensible heat (that is, heat that can be measured with a thermometer) given off by pavements and vehicles consists of 67% of the heat emitted by roadways, 29% by parking lots, and 3.9% by vehicles. Heat emissions peak on hot afternoons, when they are 26% and 46% higher for concrete and asphalt, respectively, as compared to the ground.
The aforementioned parking lots create urban heat islands on a micro-scale. The presence of impermeable surfaces in unshaded and treeless parking lots results in noticeably higher temperatures⁷. By acting in the spirit of the smart city concept and using smart technologies, cities can optimize the use of parking spaces and more effectively reintegrate green elements into the urban landscape. This approach not only helps cool down urban areas but also promotes a more sustainable and livable environment. So, how can innovative parking solutions have an impact on reducing the urban heat island effect?

Modern parking infrastructure. What impact does sustainable parking lot development have on preventing UHI? 🅿️🚗

A. Intelligent parking lot management and data-driven decision-making 📊📈

Digitization makes it possible to monitor and manage parking spaces in real-time. Optimizing the use of existing parking lots, such as parking spaces in office buildings in the afternoon or evening, can help avoid the need for new, excessive parking infrastructure. Using parking spaces to create mobility hubs, where one can access a variety of transportation modes or EV chargers, also contributes to saving existing green spaces.

B. Integration with green infrastructure 🌳🌼

Even small patches of land that could be covered in concrete, but instead feature vegetation, create a difference in temperatures.

Paweł Radomski, GIS specialist at IMGW

The most apparent solution to the problem of urban heat islands seems to be an attempt to bring greenery back into the urban landscape. Creating new plantings and incorporating vegetation into plans for new parking lots can increase shading and evapotranspiration, which is the ground's ability to evaporate water, helping to cool the surrounding area. There are also significant health benefits from the trees' potential to reduce the UHI effect, such as alleviating symptoms of respiratory distress and reducing the risk of stroke, dehydration, and heat exhaustion. City governments can significantly facilitate greening by routing power lines underground, as they often pose a significant obstacle⁸.

The key role played by both the trees and greenery in counteracting the UHI effect and protecting the climate is emphasized by Paweł Radomski:   Trees not only keep us cool but also clean the air, filter noise, and provide a living place for fauna such as squirrels or birds. It is necessary to create new plantings, but above all, to also fight to save existing trees, especially the oldest ones, because it takes a long time for trees to grow enough to provide us with shade, he explains. Vertical greenery is also being used, for instance, ivy is planted on the walls of buildings to reduce heat buildup on the facade, and it does not overload the building or compromise the stability of the structure, adds the GIS specialist.   The amount of greenery can also be increased by using geogrids or lattice paving blocks for constructing parking surfaces.  
Cooperating with Naviparking, the P8 facility near the Gdańsk Airport, the Diza parking lot by Katowice Pyrzowice Airport, and the Green Bis parking lot close to the Kraków Balice Airport are facilities whose owners understand perfectly well the contribution of greenery to preventing rising temperatures. Less concrete reduces the heat island effect, and the possibility of rainwater soaking into the ground minimizes water disturbance.   We need to realize that a parking lot does not have to be paved with asphalt or concrete at all, but it is possible to use at least lattice paving blocks, which does not in any way impair the experience of using the parking lot. At the same time, let's look at how the tracks are laid–tram lines, for example, are not, after all, surrounded by concrete along all of their length, and railroad tracks in non-urban zones lead through green areas. Even small patches of land that could be covered in concrete, but instead feature vegetation, create a difference in temperatures, notes Paweł Radomski.   A way to reduce the impact of UHI can also be the use of so-called cool roofs, i.e. roofs covered with temperature‑resistant materials, or so-called green roofs, i.e. those covered with vegetation. In addition to influencing the reduction of temperatures in urban areas, vegetation helps reduce pollution and makes it possible to protect biodiversity.  
C. Comprehension of the importance of energy efficiency 💡🚦

Smart lighting and energy management systems can be integrated into parking lots to reduce energy consumption and heat generation. For example, LED lighting generates less heat compared to traditional or energy-saving lighting, and photosensors enable additional cuts in energy consumption. Although the level of heat emitted by lighting is much less than the level of heat given off by concrete surfaces, energy management is undoubtedly a ground whose optimization can bring tangible benefits. The savings, as well as the at least small impact on the UHI effect, are already sufficient reasons why this is a worthwhile and important investment.  
D. Non-development of land at street level 🏙️🏗️

Building parking lots underground instead of at the street level can significantly mitigate the urban heat island effect. By moving parking spaces below the surface, cities can reduce the amount of heat-absorbing asphalt, which in turn helps lower ambient temperatures. This approach not only helps cool urban environments but also increases the availability of space for green areas, parks, and pedestrian-friendly zones, improving the overall urban landscape. In addition, an underground parking lot can improve rainwater management by reducing the amount of water runoff from paved areas and allowing it to penetrate the soil. Although the initial cost of building underground parking lots is higher, the long-term environmental and social benefits make the investment profitable, and existing underground parking lots, such as the Bulvary parking lot in Wrocław, the parking lot at the Noli Studios Mokotów, or at the GTC University Business Park Łódź, are examples of how the comfort of road users can go hand in hand with environmental care.

Digitization of parking lots, even informing about the number of available spaces, decongests cities and significantly improves the traffic flow. It must be noted that vehicles, in addition to exhaust fumes, also emit heat, which contributes to exacerbating the UHI effect. However, it is understandable that the higher the population density, the greater the parking needs. The solution to this problem is underground parking lots, which, although expensive, respond to the needs of residents and environmental requirements. Such parking lots are being successfully built under old city sites, an example being Toruń, where underground construction is driven by the need to protect historic buildings, but at the same time also protects the environment and city residents, explains Paweł Radomski from IMGW.
Multi-story parking lots, such as the Forum digital parking lot in Gdańsk, which cooperates with Naviparking, can also contribute to reducing the UHI effect. By erecting multi-story buildings, the built-up area is minimized, leaving more space for vegetation. Multi-story parking lots can be designed with the aforementioned green roofs, further increasing their beneficial impact on the environment. These structures can also be equipped with energy-efficient lighting and ventilation systems, thus meeting sustainability objectives. The creation of underground and multi-story parking lots is a step toward more efficient and environmentally friendly urban infrastructure.

E. Use of non-heat-absorbing materials 🛣️🚵🏽‍♂️

Removing natural land cover and replacing it with artificial impermeable surfaces has a significant impact on the surrounding environment. Asphalt, concrete, or metal lead to reduced evaporation of water from the soil, increased storage of sensible heat, and reduced air circulation⁹.   Helpful to combat the phenomenon of urban heat islands can be so-called cool pavements, which are made of materials designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat. Cool pavements can be easily implemented in areas with less rigorous structural requirements, such as parking lots, parks, or low-traffic roads. They are created by replacing asphalt with materials that have high values of both albedo (reflectivity) and emissivity (ability to dissipate absorbed heat energy).  
Cool surfaces include:

💠 reflective pavements, which, due to their lightness and less roughness, allow for a reduction in the amount of heat absorbed while increasing the amount of heat reflected

💠 porous pavements, which allow water to collect in the voids and evaporate later, significantly reducing the surface temperature

💠 stone pavements, which, with gaps between the elements, provide permeable surfaces, one of the most effective methods of cooling

💠 grass pavements that combine the use of heat-absorbing elements with grass, which reduces the level of heating of the soil¹⁰.

Nowadays, using remote sensing and geospatial analysis, we are constantly calculating differences in the temperature of the earth's surface so that we can attribute them to the urban heat island effect in specific locations. We are evaluating the solutions implemented and investments carried out, a before‑and-after study to assess the effectiveness of, for example, the establishment of vertical gardens, or vertical greenery, says the GIS specialist. Research is only part of the whole process, the expert adds. The most important thing is action.

The results of simulations conducted in Rome in 2021¹¹ showed that asphalt paving results in 2°C higher air temperatures in the evening during the hottest month compared to areas where lightweight concrete blocks or grass paving were used. Importantly, light concrete blocks are also a more economical choice than paving blocks, and they can even be used for fencing.   In addition, it is not only the type of pavement that matters but also its color. According to a study conducted in 2021¹², red and gray paving stones showed up to 4.2°C and 4.5°C lower temperatures than black-colored paving stones during rush hour. The use of light-colored paints with high reflectivity and the use of suitable materials (e.g., transparent concrete or stone) have a beneficial effect on lowering surface temperatures in urban areas.

The development of modern parking lots plays a significant role in mitigating the urban heat island effect. Prioritizing energy efficiency, data-driven decision-making, building underground parking lots, and using non-heat-absorbing materials such as reflective or porous pavements are the primary strategies to combat the UHI effect. These measures collectively contribute to cooling urban environments, proving that smart parking lot development is no longer just a preventive measure towards a healthier and more sustainable future, but is becoming a necessity.

¹ Krawczyk, E., Fortuniak, K., Wilk, S. (2022). Miejska wyspa ciepła w Łodzi w latach 2015-2018 na tle wcześniejszych badań. Przegląd Geofizyczny.
² Ibidem.
³ Kim, S. W., Brown, R. D. (2021). Urban heat island (UHI) intensity and magnitude estimations: A systematic literature review. Science of the Total Environment, 779, 146389.
⁴ Almeida, C. R. D., Teodoro, A. C., Gonçalves, A. (2021). Study of the urban heat island (UHI) using remote sensing data/techniques: A systematic review. Environments, 8(10), 105.
⁵ Kim, S. W., Brown, R. D. (2021). Urban heat island (UHI) variations within a city boundary: A systematic literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 148, 111256.
⁶ Hoehne, C. G., Chester, M. V., Sailor, D. J., King, D. A. (2022). Urban heat implications from parking, roads, and cars: A case study of metro Phoenix. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 7(4), 272-290.
⁷ Goodrich, E. (2016). Measuring the effects of parking lots and tree shading on microscale urban heat islands (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon).
⁸ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – EPA. (2017). Using EnviroAtlas to Identify Locations for Urban Heat Island Abatement.
⁹  Onishi, A., Cao, X., Ito, T., Shi, F., Imura, H. (2010). Evaluating the potential for urban heat-island mitigation by greening parking lots. Urban forestry & Urban greening, 9(4), 323-332.
¹⁰ Moretti, L., Cantisani, G., Carpiceci, M., D’Andrea, A., Del Serrone, G., Di Mascio, P., Loprencipe, G. (2022). Investigation of parking lot pavements to counteract urban heat islands. Sustainability, 14(12), 7273.
¹¹ Ibidem.
¹² Senevirathne, D. M., Jayasooriya, V. M., Dassanayake, S. M., Muthukumaran, S. (2021). Effects of pavement texture and colour on Urban Heat Islands: An experimental study in tropical climate. Urban Climate, 40, 101024.
parking lot, UHI, urban heat island, green infrastructure, smart city, sustainability
Joanna Nowak
Junior Content Writer
Junior Content Writer

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